I know you have a sense of humor. Otherwise we wouldn't have the duckbill platypus or the Brazilian tapir. What I'd like to know is, if you like funny things and jokes, why do I have to be beyond miserable for so long!? I pay my taxes, I let old ladies cut in line at the grocery store, I recycle, I give to my local public radio station, I will compost in my new house and I do not believe that the Kardashians are celebrities. I really haven't done anything wrong, so why is this happening to me!? No joke here, just misery. Please please please make it stop!
1. I'm not good with sick people. Let's just say I'm not the friend holding hair back on a bad party night.
2. I've never been very good with kids. I will admit that I was a terrible babysitter and I hated the idea of babysitting. I still shudder to think about it.
3. I gag when I see or hear any signs of vomit, spit-up, phlegm or anything else like that. Just writing about it is making me queasy. 4. I don't get sick, like, ever, so this is your way of getting me to slow down and gestate.
5. You're really cruel and the platypus isn't a joke, it was a mistake.
With the exception of #4, I think they'll still be true during week 14, so why don't we just get this whole nausea-headache-pukie thing over with a little early? Wrap it up? No harm, right? Please?
Today has been a class-A misery date. February 11. Truly a 9 on the morning sickness stage chart. Really unbelievable how it's possible to feel so good one day (yesterday) and so bad the next. I am ready to feel normal now! Please do something to help me. Thanks, Kelly
ok kel, here's some tough love. i did some very scientific research (on the interweb) and i learned that the sickness you are experiencing is typically a sign of a healthy robust pregnancy. You likley have high levels of the hCG hormone, which is good news for baby development, bad for nausea. in the mean time, try some ginger root and hang in there! :)