Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Asking for a little help here...

After two straight days of barely functioning (at the sickness scale of at least an 8, possibly 9), I am running out of plastic bags. I don't usually have this problem, seeing that I come from a long line of [somewhat] environmentally responsible hoarders and I collect the bags I get when I neglect to bring my fancy enviro-saks to the grocery store. I am pretty good about bringing them to Ralph's (how appropriate!) when I go to cash in my CRV bottles.

So when I started getting sick 3 weeks ago, I had a fairly good size bag of plastic sacks -- enough to distribute to the two vehicles and my TimBuk2... and now I'm really running low. So much so that I'm looking in cabinets around the kitchen for a few strays (found three this morning).

If you're reading this, you probably have my home address or at least know how to contact me for it. If you have extra bags around the house, could you please send me some? They'll be light and not cost much to send. I'm not about to go over to the grocery store and dig through the plastic bag recycling basin (though I've seen people do stranger things, I don't want to be that person!), I don't want to walk through the produce section at Whole Paycheck stuffing fruit bags into my pockets or walk into Trader Joe's and demand a stack of fresh plastic bags-- unfair to the bags, a single use? Such a sad life!

My neighbor happens to be pregnant too (a few weeks behind me) so I wouldn't want to take the bags that she might very well need. According to my calculations, I could be doing this sickness thing for another month, so even if you don't get to it today, please think of me when you ask for plastic next time you're at the store... and then run home a pop those suckers in a mailbox. Thanks!

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