Today marks the beginning of the end! Officially, this is week 36 so I'll be going to see my doctor every week from now until Trouble/ baby Rockwell decides to arrive, which I'm guessing could be as late as September 24th or so. The doctor says I can go to 42 weeks as long as everything is still looking ok. If Trouble's later than 10 days, which is possible, there'd be a new sign of the Zodiac in our household. This might be good for me since I already live with a Virgo and I can't stand how clean and tidy the house has to be... but I digress.
The news today is that based on a bunch of measurements, baby is approximately 6 pounds and 3 or 4 ounces. It's got plenty of fluid to bounce around in and I was even able to see little dark circles indicating a bladder and stomach! I was told that this is a sign that baby is practicing breathing and ingesting things and stuff is working properly.
I saw a little fist but not much else and couldn't make out most of the body parts. I saw a femur! And some ribs and a spine. All of these things are neat. Oh-- and baby appears to be in the right position for a fast (ok - maybe not fast, but a regular, uneventful and natural) exit. It is facing the right way and everything with legs off to the left a bit. My doctor glazed over various reproductive organs because if we don't want to know, she doesn't want to know. I like that... a surprise for everyone! And it won't be much longer before we know the answer to the question I'm asked all the time!
So baby Trouble will most likely be a normal baby weight, which is exciting for someone who wants a natural birth and personally weighed more than ten pounds! There's very little chance that Trouble will gain 4 whole pounds in the 4 weeks remaining. I guess it's possible, but a little scary to think about! My weight didn't change this week (yay) -- I am still 184 pounds. It seems crazy, but that's what the scale says. It'll be nice to feel light(er) again... SOON.
A Libra in the family would be nice, however, I have a keen appreciation for "waiting" oh, say more than 40 weeks--each one of those "extra" days qualifies as a month in "normal" times--so, que sera, sera! Nice that your doctor wants to be surprised too! Hang in there (no puns intended) Oh, you might consider using the Fortress Baby Seat as permanent sculpture someplace on your property it could anchor down a corner somewhere