Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Car Seat Madness

Since Trouble could decide to come any day in the next 4-6 weeks (unlikely, but possible), I was encouraged to do things like pack a bag for a speedy departure to the hospital and get things ready for the tiny human that will eventually live here. The list of things to do included getting a car seat for said tiny human (which shall not be named Trouble in real life because Clint as vetoed it... sorry, Trouble fans).

I ordered the car seat on-line based on something I read on a website called Magic Beans. Of course, if I'm reading any website with "magic" in the title, this MUST be a safe, reliable, trustworthy piece of baby gear, right? Either that, or it will magically take my money and disappear.

The seat arrived today and it was so heavy that I could barely get it out of the box. This doesn't bode well. It means I am weak and the seat weighs something like 10 times what my baby will probably weigh. It was a miniature fortress that I have to somehow put in my car and be expected to extract the child from every time I want to take it somewhere. I don't leave my dog in the car, but after looking at this seat and the buckles and straps, I'm going to be tempted to leave the kid in there. Really. I don't think I could even practice with one of the baby-size puppets we have (the harbor seal is baby size) because I would buckle it to itself and probably rip the stuffing out or something.

I got the "adventure" colours - gray and green. It's not gender specific and I thought it might clean up well in the event of an accident, but now that I've had to pick the thing up, this baby isn't going anywhere. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. no only will you develop new baby seat-lifting muscles, you will also get the fiddler-crab style baby-holding arm! all these new weight lifting excersies, exciting! :)
