Wednesday, August 25, 2010

37 Weeks Down! 3(+) to go

Today officially marks week 37, which means that I've got somewhere between 3 and 5 weeks remaining. As of today's baby doctor visit, nothing will be happening any time soon (good)... little lungs apparently still need a little time to percolate.

While this is a good thing, I was thinking how it'd be nice if Trouble decided to make something happen in 2 and a half weeks or so. That'd be good. I don't really mind the puffy feet/fingers/toes/hands or all of the bathroom visits, but I've still got some issues with the nausea and vomiting. I'd really *love* to get rid of it, but by now I've accepted it won't go away until baby arrives. So if we could hurry things up just a little bit, that'd be nice.

To add a little excitement to the baby waiting time, I am inviting any interested parties to set their prediction for the time of day baby will actually come -- which I hope will coincide with my freedom from the nausea I've endured since late January. So far the most popular time of day is between 3 and 4am, and predictions are pretty much evenly split between the two genders. Place your bets now!

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