Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today I got a package from UPS addressed to Trouble Rockwell. I was home when it was delivered and the UPS guy thought it was really very cool that someone would be named Trouble. "Got a package for Trouble.... Is that a birth name?" Well, see, we've been calling it Trouble because it has caused a lot of it over the past 7 months or so. The nickname stuck and perhaps it will continue to stick permanently if it's really that awesome. It looks good on the label. Add the surname and it has a good ring to it. There are already a few songs dedicated to trouble. Not so bad!

Everyone keeps asking if we've chosen a name (no), but maybe I'll have to put Trouble on the list for real! It could be Trouble ________ Rockwell, and then we could shorten it to be T. _______ Rockwell, so it's a real conversation starter. It's better than Santa or Lady Gaga Rockwell. Trouble's actually pretty good. Or maybe not. hmm.

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