Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yay for the Mountain Mermaid!

We recently moved to canyon country and I am still getting to know my neighbors. Today we were invited to check out a 1930s old saloon/gay bar that is now fully renovated and serves as a location for weddings and photo shoots. It is totally amazing and awesome and reminded me of Hearst Castle. The best part: it's a mile from my house and has a pool! And I can go whenever I want to float around!! It has a nice dark blue look to it rather than that community pool feel. I have a feeling it's going to be my summer salvation! weeeeeee


  1. I'm jealous!
    Land locked mermaid

  2. Perhaps we can visit the mermaid when you come! I heard a rumor that nude mermaid bathing is encouraged, but that's a very Topanga thing to do. I don't think this beluga will be participating!
