Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Little Visitor, Big Problems

A friend brought her son over yesterday. He's 4. Things were going well at first, but as the afternoon went by I started to have serious parent regrets. Will my child be as stubborn and uncooperative? Really, I wasn't prepared for what unfolded; he was pouty, fussy, touched everything in sight, played with all of the above and asked, "Why?" every time I asked him not to do something. AAAAHHHHH!
What am I getting myself into? I understand that parents have a lot to do with how a child behaves, but what if this baby causes as much angst (or more) once it is born? I never really thought about that until I was visited by the terror child yesterday-- and he probably wasn't as bad as I thought he was. Oh no!


  1. i still don't touch anything in stores becasue dad always told us not to. hands in your pockets girls! firm but loving seems to do the trick. we turned out just fine! you'll be great. just don't (or let clint!) give the kid everything it wants! :)

  2. haha-- I'm learning not to do that with the puppy. She just tags along everywhere and almost chewed through a leash when I went to buy tickets to an art show a few weeks ago. I was feet away inside of a store but I think she thought I was leaving her!
    I also find myself remembering some simple Snyder rules to live by-- good ones to follow! Yes, we're fine! Thanks for the reminder :-)
