Monday, March 29, 2010


I admit I'm a little behind with my updates. We're moving soon and I have spent a lot of my feel-good time packing boxes and then either moving them or pushing them around the house. Last week I was so sore from doing this that I decided it was time for a massage. There's a place near my apartment that I like to go to and I made myself an appointment for Thursday evening.

It was a strategic time: not too early that I couldn't take my medication (the last thing a masseuse wants is a nauseous client) and late enough that if I wanted, I could just come straight home and get into bed without worrying that I'd be up and wide awake at 4am.

I was a little nauseous when I got there but I've been a little nauseous a lot lately, so I wasn't too concerned that I would have any problems. Luckily, I was right near the bathroom if I had to call a halt to the magic massaging. That's one thing I've learned over the past two months: like Jason Bourne knows the exits, I know where the bathrooms are in any given place I visit.

Overall, the massage was uneventful. As a pregatron, they make you sign extra paperwork that says you won't sue them for any irrational reason (as if pregnant ladies are irrational!) and then they have little foamy blocks that keep you resting on your side instead of the belly. Not that my masseuse lady could tell I was even pregnant. No matter. I did just fine on my side and the desired effect was there: cat nap, muscles relaxed, no vomiting! yay.

I left feeling like I'd just had a good workout (which I had, without having to lift a finger!) and went to bed shortly after getting home. On Friday, I awoke a new woman! I wanted to believe that the nausea was all gone because of Gwen and my massage experience, but I know that is unlikely (especially because it's not really gone, it just officially began to truly taper over the weekend)... but I do think that the massage helped.

So, yes. I am feeling a little better. I am eating! In fact, I am munching on Oaty Bites as I write this. It's still a little tough to find something I feel like eating, but I really hope that by Easter I'll be digging into some peanut butter eggs and nibbling a Peep or two. One day at a time... each day closer to normal!

1 comment:

  1. it's close to Easter and I'm getting close to home--here's hoping there's a Preggy Peeps just for you in a basket all your own tomorrow morning!
    Love to you and Nuggetino/a
    Nonna in Florida
