Monday, March 1, 2010

March Madness

It's March! Week twelve is underway, meaning I'm another day closer to the second trimester. But after the past three hours, I'm reminded that means absolutely nothing.

I had a record day yesterday -- no vomiting! Nausea, yes. But I saw not vomiting as a good sign-- possibly the beginning of a turnaround. Unfortunately, I was sorely mistaken. That optimism swiftly disappeared this morning at 5:30. And again at 6:15, 7 and 7:45. All of the fluid replenishment I managed to do yesterday is probably gone by now, so I've begun another slow climb back toward hydration.

I'm ticking off the things that aren't working today: Ginger Ale, Jell-o and Gatorade so far. I'm just trying old fashioned water right now and hoping for the best.

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