Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Few Pounds Lighter!



It may be considered a drastic move, but it was over 100 degrees outside today and the extra long locks needed to go. It was easy to stay cool when I put my hair up all the time, but it was just too long and yes, hot.

I'm not sure if I've lost any weight today, but I do feel a little lighter in addition to being cooler. That's all that matters, right? Twelve inches of hair are history! I hadn't had it cut since February (woah) and now someone will benefit from my once-long locks and I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. A new hair cut can do that. I think clothes can too. It makes me want to see Nora Ephron's play, "Love, Loss, and What I Wore" -- I think women are a lot more aware of these things than men. We remember big life events relative to what we were wearing, which shoes we had on, how our hair was done... And guys barely remember the order of events, if they remember the event itself at all.

I think after the past seven + months, I'm ready to leave the long hair behind and start a new chapter: a short hair chapter. Not too short though, since that could be a total disaster. I've kept a bob. Any shorter and I would seriously question my judgment and that of the friend who agreed to cut it for me.

I vaguely remember being fit and active. My new 'do will be good for getting back into that old groove. Easier to work with, wash, style, all of the above. It's cooler (good on days like today when temps reached 108!), and baby won't be able to grab it and tug just yet. I may not be physically lighter, but my shorter hair has made me just a little more buoyant today. I hope it'll get me through the next few days as well -- forecasts are predicting triple digits until Sunday!


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