Wednesday, September 15, 2010

EDD: Come and gone!

Today was the estimated due date. Unless baby comes tv-style in the next few hours, it will officially be late.
And the waiting continues. The only problem with this is discomfort. Ok, and anxiety and the chance for self-doubt to start creeping in... but generally, it's the discomfort. I'm definitely getting bigger-- into the "not so manageable" size, which means I have started to run into things. I've actually scratched myself for the past two days. Yesterday a friend asked if I was bleeding and I told her I wasn't sure, simply because I couldn't SEE my stomach to check out the damage. I had bent over some plastic packages that were in a bag in my car and knew I had grazed them, but didn't know that I had indeed scratched myself. You'd think I would have learned from that... but today I opened a door and did it again. I'm just too wide!

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