Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Pitter-Patter of Little Feet

*Warning: Attached Photo May Disturb Some Readers*

It's a little early to hear footsteps but yesterday we heard them... and they weren't the kind we wanted to hear. We also heard nibbling. And some scratching. At first I thought it was our puppy, but we realized she was fast asleep. It was another four-legged creature... upstairs in the attic.
After trying to ignore it around 2am, we went down to the basement and located the batteries for our mouse zapper. I had trouble forcing the batteries into place weeks ago and had given up; Clint easily wedged them in and seconds later, the thing was ready to go. It looks like a little tunnel of death. Back upstairs, we opened the attic door, took the ladder down, and placed the tunnel (along with a little peanut butter bait) on the new subfloor up there.

We weren't back in bed for more than five minutes (I don't even think Clint had made it back yet) when the footsteps ceased. Was it smart and ran off, or were we triumphant? Did I get the Maine mouse trapping gene? I drifted off to sleep and sorta looked forward to checking on the thing in the morning.

After Clint left for work, Trouble was wreaking havoc so I had a protein-packed bagel and took a little nap. After the dog and I went for a walk, it was time to get down to business. Armed with a few plastic grocery bags and a towel (I couldn't find the rubber gloves I wanted to wear), I donned the headlamp, opened the attic door and got the ladder down. I climbed up. It was dark. I looked over near the trap, which Clint had faced away from the attic entry, so all I could see was a little shadow. Once I found the light and used my towel to turn the thing around, my suspicions-- our suspicions -- were confirmed. There was a mouse in the house!
Actually, it was too large to be a mouse. It did have Mickey-esque ears, but that tail was definitely rat-like. I didn't do any scientific measurements, but it was longer than an iPhone. Weighed more, too. I dumped it in the trash (I didn't think it deserved a burial) and now the little zapping machine is awaiting its next victim!
I'm hoping I didn't contract any rodent-borne diseases while I was up there. Hands were washed and I don't think I've been ingesting any rodent poo or urine (I'll try just about anything to get the never-ending morning sickness to go away by now but those things aren't on my list)...
I'm not ready for any more four-legged visitors right now, so we'll just stick to waiting for the two legs to come in a few months. But if we get any more, I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. You've definitely got that rodent-rooter-recessive gene. Good for you for not only disposing of the first (?) trophy catch, but also photographing it. You might need to get your own Tabitha Twitchit; Patti doesn't seem to be the right pet for this task.
