Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day in the U.S. -- a made-up holiday to celebrate mom and get people to buy stuff. I personally like to think I celebrate MY MOM all the time, but I guess there aren't many people out there who do, so they need Hallmark and FTD to remind them to remember their mamas.

I don't think it is holiday related at all, but I have decided over the past two weeks of continued discomfort and general misery that I don't want to be pregnant any more. I'd like to throw in the towel, thanks very much. I am sooo glad I'm not an elephant or a whale (really), since those animals have even longer gestation times. I just don't wanna do it any more.

I would like to get my energy back, and I would like to eat whatever I want whenever I want, and I'd really love to have a beer. I would also like to stop vomiting, which hasn't completely gone away and since we're already beyond 21 weeks, it's possible that it won't until this little bugger is born. This isn't what I signed up for!

I guess I have a tendency to do things like this-- jump into something I'm not quite prepared for-- but it usually works out. Now it's just on a much bigger scale. Not like signing up for a 400 mile bike ride and realizing that yes, eventually I'd have to get on the bike. This is 21-year marathon, and it has only just begun. What was I thinking?

Perhaps, since this is numero uno, I don't have anything to remind me that it's going to be worth it in a year or two when I'm finger painting or listening to kiddie rock or picking Cheerios and play-dough out of the carpet in my car... I know there are many Mother's Days ahead, but right now I'm just not into it, and my exhausted body -- from my bleeding gums to my sensitive tummy and my sloth-like digestive system, aren't into it either. 19 weeks to go.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for always remembering Mum's Day-- soon to be expanded into --what---? Munna's Day? (a combination?) Nonna's Day? (an elevation?) or Nuggetino/a's Birthday? (a celebration!!)
    I'm always honored to be thought of-- on and in addition to-- the first Sunday in May!
