Friday, July 16, 2010

The Hospital Tour

This week we took a tour of the maternity wing of the hospital where I expect to have the nugget. I can't say I was too terribly impressed with the spokesperson the hospital had leading the tour but the facilities were nice and since I can't say I plan to take a vacation there, everything should be fine.
What irked me was that the woman who hosted the thing made continuous references fitting traditional gender roles. When your doctor comes, HE'S gonna want to do ____, and if you ask a nurse, SHE'LL get everything you need.... each time she made a doctor reference, it was always a "he" and the nurses were "she" and babies were all boys. This wasn't even the biggest issue I had with the lecture part of the tour experience. What was it?
Medication. Intervention. Whatever you want to call it... She was a drug pusher! It was as if natural childbirth was a bad thing. I've taken an 8 week course (12 weeks compressed into 8) and mentally, I haven't even considered discussion of an epidural or other intervention with my doctor. I guess I've just decided that if I can survive 8 months of general illness, nausea and vomiting, I should be able to handle the last 24-48 hours of it. I know I'm probably underestimating everything, since I do tend to do that, but I'm also an optimist and I know nothing can be as bad as some of the shit I've had to deal with! I won't know until September if I'm truly prepared, but I felt like I knew so much more than the other people on our tour. I have 9 weeks to prepare and I know I can do it!


  1. Great attitude, Momma K--that will take you (and the Nugget) far--
    you're almost in the home stretch (no pun intended)
    cheering for you always!
    Nonna K
